Saturday, June 8, 2024

 June 7, 2024

Jet-lagged at rehearsal last night, but the affliction (always worse this side of the water) ebbs away. 

Bought huge floppy hats at Tractor Supply to keep the sun off my head while gardening. 

Sweetpea climbs my bedroom window, with the most perfect pink in the world. Sometimes there’s the soporific buzzing of bumblebees, the flutter of tiny copper-colored butterflies. Near constant rain while I was gone turns the garden into a jungle. It will require care soon–probably tomorrow– but the condition of jungle is one to which the garden aspires. When I pulled down bamboo stalks, considerable amounts of water spilled from them. I should have thought to taste the water.

Visit to MAHEC, receiving a clean bill of health. My blood pressure is, according to the technician, “fine.” 

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