Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Brazen Trumpet


June 23, 2024

Tried a little gardening this AM, but it was too hot even at 10:30. The weeds didn’t wait to be pulled, but leapt from the ground to end their misery.

Almost had my camera focused on my giant black frog before he leapt into watery obscurity. 

Second AVLGMC concert yesterday afternoon to a larger crowd, though it must be said that high summer is not the ideal time for indoors choral concerts. I think we were good. We were certainly active & happy & engaged, and our audience wept and laughed along with us. My own voice, which I’d been babying, was a brazen trumpet, and I could do ff contra notes to the very end. It’s been long since I felt so solid an accomplishment with that group. 

Watching some of the Olympic trials, where Katie Ledecky wins her heats with so much margin that she could have a cappuccino before #2 splashes home.  

The birds have found the mulberry trees. The mockingbirds have a peculiar little greed song they warble when they’re stuffing themselves with the berries. 


From email:

Andrew Murphy 

3:03 PM (3 hours ago)

to me

Good Evening, David,

My Name is Andrew Murphy.

I have been given your details by Jim Horgan from Cork Arts Theatre, I had the privilege of being in the audience on one of the evenings to see Views from a Lamp Post being performed. I work with two Amateur groups here in Scotland and I would love to get a copy of your script for Alfie & Greta to let them read it with the possibility of performing it at some point in the future. I look forward to hearing from you so we can hopefully arrange something.

Thank you for your assistance.

Kind Regards, Andrew Murphy

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