Saturday, July 9, 2022

My Country, 'Tis of Thee


July 3, 2022

Maud howled a howl I’d never heard from her before. When I went to her, she was looking out the guest bedroom window, but whatever she’d seen had disappeared.

Made pasta salad for the Independence Day picnic at All Souls, though I haven’t decided yet at this hour whether I will actually attend. 

Relief of rain in the last few days. The downpour reveals where the gutter guy messed up, or where some other issue has arisen. 

Eyes sore from– something.

Later: My pasta salad turned out to be just this side of disgusting. Sometimes things just don’t work. All day people remarked on how everyone who knew the identity of the new Dean was sworn to secrecy. I’m not usually the possessor of forbidden knowledge. It feels goofy, like a passage in a book. But it is gratifying to know that so many care so genuinely. 

We got to sing “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”

Maud was howling at a cat and her five kittens who, when I saw them, were cavorting under the truck. If they are here Tuesday, when the shelter opens, I’ll try to scoop them up. 

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