Monday, July 18, 2022


July 17, 2022

Won a gold medal in the 16th annual Solas award for travel writing, in the “young traveler” category for “Homage to Lady Gregory” I do remember vaguely sending it in. 

Watching Barry, a TV show where an acting teacher gives harsh, sometimes cruel criticism to move his students forward; reading Jeremy Denk’s memoir of piano teachers who were harsh and cruel in order to move him forward. I never prospered under such a regime, so when it came time for me to teach, I took the gentle road, suggesting something that might be better rather than mocking or damning the words before me. In retrospect I’ve no idea whether that was the right choice. Some students complained that I wasn’t firm enough– a cajoling move toward excellence didn’t seem as loving as a blow of the critical fist. I understand that. Strengthening students by making them crawl out of the ruin I made of their self-esteem was not my way, and perhaps, therefore, I goaded no one to greatness. Did I lure anyone to greatness? Seduce them so? Only time knows. I did, however, have to fight the tendency to sarcasm when I was directing plays. A rehearsal is more exhausting than a classroom. 

Even so, student evaluations– worse than useless–who but Administrators could come up with such a foolish idea?– complained when I “singled somebody out,” which usually meant correcting a wrong answer or a bad sentence. When I left education, it was not education anymore, but the method of delivering diplomas into student hands with the least possible friction or controversy. 

Incidental Poem:

The tiny white spider

has crossed

what must be for it a continent

to find the one

white lichen

to rest upon unseen. 

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