Thursday, July 28, 2022


July 27, 2022

Exactly as I anticipated, the omnipotent raccoon dug back in the corner window and compromised the seal put in for $3000. David and Manuel come Friday, but I expect even that will not be the end of it. I cut out the peach tree– the second thing I planted when I moved here–that had flopped over against the window, probably giving the marauder a sense of security. It caused me grief until I actually did it, but now it’s well. Glad I’m not in Ukraine– exterior things interrupt my inner world. If a raccoon is bad, bombardment would be--

Watched 50 versions of “Reaction to Arya Stark Killing the Night King” in order to have the thrill of victory, however fictional and remote. 

Morning at the Y. I wanted to do aerobics, but the pile of apparatus put me off. 

Received video files from the Capital Q Festival in Madison. Before the Holy Temple was not recorded. Of course. 

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