Saturday, August 28, 2021


August 26, 2021

A dog howls piteously somewhere in the neighborhood, and has been doing so for an hour. 

So wet for so long that everything looks a little sodden and mildewy. My big sunflower has turned flat black, I suppose with rot.

Food and drinks at the Red Stag after choir last night. Ended in despairing gossip about church politics. I’m periodically reminded about how oblivious I am to actual malice, even (or especially) when aimed toward myself. Someone usually needs to show me before I see it. This makes for a calmer life, but also raises the likelihood of ambush.

Coffee with KJ. We get along well, follow each other’s references and tone. I hadn’t understood what a steep road recent times have given her. The theater is deeper in debt than I imagined. I thought I could help out, but the best I could do would barely make a dent. Thought and prayers, as they say. The whole world jumbles around in a box, and one must wait until it settles to explore what exactly to do.

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