Sunday, August 22, 2021


August 20, 2021

Heavy rain continuing at intervals. Woke this morning to a news report from the local station saying today’s forecast is “mostly sunny with a chance of showers late in the afternoon.” It was thunderstorming at that very moment. Woke from a dream in which I was making a high-budget movie staring Geena Davis as an astronaut who, after her first manned mission to Jupiter, drove her spaceship into the sun. The movie was meant to explain how this came to happen. Several scenes at base camp on Mars were “in the can” before I woke. Dream life is the life of a whole other mind than that which governs the day. 

On campus to get my Retirees One Card. The contempt the faculty is held in is evidenced by the hundreds of parking spaces reserved for the possible use of administration, almost all empty when I drove through, almost all empty when the faculty is driving around in the morning frantically looking for a place to park. 

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