Thursday, August 19, 2021


August 19, 2021

Jack and I meet to discover if we can figure out a Stewardship program for the church. One recognizes with horror just how badly written most church documents are, how easily it would be to bring them up to style. Some of the bad writing is directly toward the end of thwarting too much clarity.

Lunch at Moe’s barbecue, masked, as per yesterdays’s county-wide mandate. Sat beside a table of Conservatives discussing how idiotic the masks are and what a fool Biden is, the whole spectrum of expected attitudes and opinions. I thought about sitting down in their midst, just for the sake of the upheaval, but in the end I didn’t have the energy. 

North Carolina’s first recorded bear-related fatality in SM National Park. 

Praetorius on Pandora. 

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