Friday, November 9, 2018

November 9, 2018

Back to the doctor to get a valise of prescriptions. Got pneumonia vaccine, and my body turned into an ache. Why do they tell you that can’t happen, when it does? The winter hoarseness sets in. Teaching The Cantos this morning was, therefore, interesting.

Somehow photos of Jesse as a soldier made their way into my Facebook account. Heart staggers with, now, irredeemable loss. I have been more loyal–or desired the chance to be more loyal–than anyone ever wanted me to be.

Mitchell County students in an uproar over Parkway’s Shakespeare’s Complete Works: Abridged because it references drinking, suicide, and at one point two men kiss. I doubt that this was a spontaneous demonstration, but part of the Culture Wars, encouraged by parents and teachers. I want to walk on stage and scream, “Have you read the BIBLE lately???”

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