Saturday, November 17, 2018

November 16, 2018

Cancelled the morning class because the students had, cheerfully and forthrightly, not looked at the material.

Ovid’s Metamorphoses in a thin adaptation at the Carol Belk on campus. It was student directed, and the direction was actually its strong point, providing passages of humor and, in one case, loveliness. But because of the quality of training they receive once they arrive, or maybe because of the quality of student attracted to the program, UNCA student actors and productions seldom rise even to the level of an outstanding high school. You could see they were doing what they were told to do, and having a good time, but the magic never hits. It’s never theater, though it may have its virtues as pedagogy. It’s always the department showing its stuff, never art. Casey and Cody in the past were exceptions, but they came perfected.  What does the drama faculty think watching it? Do they think they have done their job?

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