Friday, November 16, 2018

November 15, 2018

Luke Combs, who used to sit beside me in the All Souls choir, won Best Newcomer at the Country Music Awards. Astonishing.

Body covered in deep scratches. Looks like I’ve been fighting with a wildcat, but it must be me, probably in my sleep. Time to look to the fingernails. 

Looks like Magnetic is going to do The Assassins’ Garden. Surprises me (it being complicated) but ooo-rah!

Made it through rehearsal with flying colors and some voice left. What is more, for the first time in a very long time I felt like going out afterward. Went to Little Jumbo for a few cocktails, chatted with Lauren, a former student, who is now a trapeze artist. Liked the atmosphere. Came home and was asleep practically before the door shut behind me.

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