Monday, November 19, 2018

November 19, 2018

Student reading Sunday afternoon. Dreary, Unrehearsed, and therefore inaudible. Terrible self-indulgent fantasies, with two invigorating exceptions. Sigh. Are we proud of this?

Tobi at Red Hen alerted me that someone had “edited” my Wikipedia page. I found there the most shocking and insane libels, practically hysterical in the level of vilification. Of course I know who wrote it, riding the same hobbyhorse that failed her last year. Just don’t know what to do about it. The charges in some cases are extreme enough to be funny. I am trying to laugh it off. But if even one person thinks this of me, however insane, I am perplexed.

Went early to the Racquet Club to lift weights, reconfirming my gradual return to vitality. Prayed last night to relieved of some of the old harassments. Maybe that prayer was answered. But, then there is the big new one. Does it never end?

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