Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 2, 2018

When I went out it was 8 degrees and the full moon sinking in the west was huge, golden, tremendous, and beautiful. I’d thought at first it was dawn in the wrong part of the sky. Went to the YMCA downtown, which is rebuilt and enlarged. At the door handsome Nat called me by name, and I took that as a propitious sing for the ensuing year. Did a feeble workout, but less feeble when one considers I haven’t worked out more than once or twice since Ireland. The fact is that now I feel excellent. You feel bad and you postpone the workout, forgetting that except in severe case, a workout always makes you feel better. I need a reminder in my life, someone to repeat to me the lessons I already have learned. Still much to be cleaned up from the aborted party. The crows pick at the bread and the squirrels at the cake.

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