Friday, January 12, 2018

January 12, 2018

Night, Sleep is evidently truly a go, as the editor is asking me for all the things you get asked for when you’re really publishing a book. Carlos is not only going to use my art on the cover, but he wants to use my art on the covers of others of his books– perhaps since I said he could have the images free, for an art credit. Still too suspicious to be truly ecstatic, but also wish to shy away from ingratitude. Dancing on the razor’s edge.

A while back I had several poems accepted for an anthology called Adam, Eve, & the Riders of the Apocalypse. The book arrived today, with my name and bio in the contributors’ list, but not one poem of mine actually in the text. Some spectacular proofing there.

Meeting with J, our Title 9 overseer, to see if I violated people’s sexual rights in my class. I think we decided not, but who knows when things are truly over? I understood the accusations and how they came to be. As I hold none of the opinions the seven students attributed to me, the issue was pretty much perceptual– sensitive students unable to read irony or humor, assuming my perspective to be other than it is, or simply having been allowed to be too fragile to take a challenge to their world view. I can certainly be more careful with that, though one would have hoped college would be the place one might stop explaining irony.

Deep rain, sort of sweet now but edging toward the next onslaught of cold.

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