Sunday, January 14, 2018

January 14, 2018

While I was watching Jurassic Park on the TV, a dome of lead fell on my head, and that was a terrible attack of phlebitis, this time appreciably without warning. For about four hours I was as sick as it is possible to be. I could not heat up my core, and lay in bed under coats and blankets convulsing with shivers. Of course the shivering set off muscle cramps, so I lay there in the dark murmuring, “have mercy, have mercy,” which is all I could think to do amid the variety of agonies. My body felt so heavy that I almost literally could not move, so when I HAD to move– say, to the bathroom– I pulled myself along the walls, trying to keep my knees from buckling. Thank God for the dicloxycillin, whereby I am, if not quite restored, no longer imagining (perhaps longing for) my own imminent death. At one point in the fever hallucinations I thought I had four bodies and I had to take a pill for each one. The over-dosing probably ended this more quickly than it might. So far 2018 has been wondrously eventful.

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