Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5, 2015

The day divides in half– a productive morning, an early afternoon nap, then afternoon and evening, which seems like a different day, so much so that I almost forgot that I revised A Time before This Time out of Once in Syracuse and painted well, all before noon. Delicious sleep in my room in the intermittent rain. Up and stirring now for the second half.
Zach’s client Dr. C seems to have cured the itching I’ve suffered for many months now. It became impossible to receive a massage without violent scratching (the itch was more like a burn, and the nerves began to convulse if I didn’t scratch) and sometimes whole days would pass with my digging away at one part of my body or the other. Smeared lotion on myself, thinking it might be dry skin. But he assumed it was histamines in my system, recommended a pill for that, and I haven’t itched once since. The question of what histamines are and how did they get under my skin can wait for another time. My own doctor had no clue, or if she did she didn’t bother to say.
Tiger lilies in spectacular bloom.

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