Friday, July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015

Hard lifting at the gym, then continued with bags of mulch from Reems Creek, first putting them in the truck, then hauling them out, then tucking in the backyard peach and a couple of roses.

Sat at the Racquet Club CafĂ© and wrote on my ever-expanding bird poem. The words were honey. Kids gathered around. It looked like they were part of an embroidery team (embroidery floss was everywhere) but I don’t see how that could have been. The day is hot and the house is hot and I walk from one locus-of-the-fan to another. I could turn on the air-conditioning, but that seems worse to me, somehow, than sweltering for a few days. Much drowsing and sleeping, but why not? Vivid dreams.

Nick and his boys finished digging up my Lakeshore thicket. I admire men working together without even having to speak.

On toward evening with a sense of accomplishment.

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