Saturday, June 14, 2014

Saturday in Budapest

June 14, 2014

They took away my snake plant. I’m sure it was happier in my room.

The concert at Saint Michael’s was jewel-like, the best acoustics I have encountered, anywhere, the musicians beyond perfect, the senile American behind me jabbering and poking each other almost the ruin of it. I tried to concentrate solely on the music, then tried to get over my resentment at having to try so hard to concentrate on the music, etc. Some people simply cannot leave their own jabbering selves behind for one minute. I’d lament the generation, but these people were older than I. Still, beautiful, the violin soloist, Gabra Gyula, handsome as a statue at the corner of a building, expressive, radiant. Drinks on the way home while the Word Cup played around me.

My guess is that today’s taping will be agonizing. Lord, prove me now, as so many times in the past, wrong!

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