Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, 2014

Woke to the gentlest rain in the world. Blessed. As no one was looking, I climbed the stairs on all fours, and instantly flashed back to when I was a baby, climbing that way at my grandparents’ house, because I had to.

Pleated woodpecker in the great pine. Hunks of bark were falling to the ground. I looked up to discover why. His insane cackle haunted the trees for half an hour.

Drove to Waynesville last evening to audition. The auditions were in a barn that is a sort of museum of. . . what? Old time kitchenware and the like, I think. I didn’t do particularly well. D D was there, and he did very well indeed, the calmest and most professional audition I’ve ever seen from him.  When I drove home it was still light, and the great smokes of the rains were rising from the mountains.

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