Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 28, 2014

Walk in the morning dark. The sky is low; it’s like walking in a very large room. Lilies in bloom in the front, suffusing all with their perfume. I never had luck with lilies before. There was a runner on the street, with one of those lights attached to his head, supernatural, a fleet Cyclops, perfectly silent even when he passed quite close. I was all in white, but still, so I think he didn’t see me. Bumbled into the “Biltmore Warehouse Sale” at my Riverside office. If you want certain very specific things, it was a deal. I bought two wine aerators and two sets of deer-head wine stoppers, one for a gift and one for me. The house fills up with things I think would make super gifts. Yesterday wasted for the most part. Right use for the season.

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