Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014

Rose before dawn yesterday and did a street-walk under the half moon. It was still dark when I returned, having passed through neighborhoods that close to my house that I do not remember seeing before, folded into the folded hills. Amazing dark, more like a thing than the negation of a thing.

Would repeat the exercise now, except that gout complicates the morning as it complicated yesterday, the pill I take for it making me sleepy throughout most of the day. I am an Olympian of sleep, a very Herakles.

Steve came and generously rehearsed me for the concert Saturday, after my having missed two rehearsals because of the European jaunt. He was sitting in the beam of the fan and I was sweating like a racehorse, trying to hold my toe at an endurable angle. I wish I could remember and savor in memory the indulgence that led to this affliction.

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