Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014

Ready to travel with diarrhea and an attack (moderate) of gout. So what else is new? The gout medicine, as I observed before, relives the pain in my shoulders. I resist associating these things with growing old. I fight them, certain that they can be made to go away, and I can get back to “real life.”  Curiously lacking in my customary travel anxiety. Happy to get going, secure in having lined up all sorts of reliable people to keep things moving here. Good Cantaria rehearsal last night with diminished summer forces.  Why my own voice sometimes sounds glorious to be and sometimes barely marginal I don’t know. Does it sound the same to others at the same times?

Found Lucio Ivaldi on the Internet, explaining his music to The Birth of Color. I got to hear my name said in honey-dripping Italian.

Sweet Maud cat licking my toes–

Woke in utter darkness, utter stillness--

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