Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26, 2014

I wake to find a cat pressed against me. I hear a tiny voice saying, “I’m trying to teach you how to be a good little animal.” Apparently this involves a lot of sleeping.

Dream that John Cram and I are trying to buy the same Matisse at an auction.  I saw it first, and his certainty that he will win it annoys me. I realize, also, that it is not a Matisse at all, but a Poussin, and that it is painted on two truck hoods. A special feature of the auction is that you can have lunch beside your favorite piece, if you want to, and the end of the dream is my looking for my car hood Poussin, lunch bag in hand, in a gigantic room full of art.

Buy some flatware from an antique store on Lyman Street. The thousand year old man watches the thousand year old woman ring up the sale, and he says, “But you didn’t press the credit/debit option when it asked.”
“You don’t have to,” says the thousand year old woman.
“But it TELLS you to.”
“You don’t have to do everything the machines tells you.” Then she smiles and adds, “Rage against the machine!”

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