Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1, 2014

Woke and took a walk through the neighborhood before dawn. Kelley says she says bears, and I wanted to see bears, but of course I did not. I saw the silhouettes of birds on branches and wires. You could tell there was a being there, and that it was pouring out music, but if I were the alien I have been postulating for my journey, I might not know what it was. Would I think they were organic, or maybe speakers set out by a kindly people so sleepers would have a musical waking?

Went downtown to Suzanne’s show at Blue Spiral, and bought one of her paintings. Bees were the theme, and my small painting has layerings of bees over music.

Stung my eye with some plant toxin while weeding at 62. It will be suspicious for me to sit on the plane weeping.

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