Sunday, June 8, 2014

Budapest Pentecost

June 8, 2014


Amazing dreams, clear, narrative. I thank the ambience of the street below. In one I went to Hiram, to spend a long time with Denny and have him help me find a house there. We met finally on the steps of the Christian Church, facing the gas station that was. Then a dream that I had a young son, and I was teaching him how to travel. He was funny, and I laughed in the dream.  Limpid and happy, an improved world–all, now that I think of it, in clear night.

Took an alternate route to Buda, over a different bridge. It was longer, but I was feeling hale. Had iced coffee and met a Hungarian dog.  What has to be said is that The Birth of Color may be an important work. The music I have heard so far is just beautiful. I wept at more than one place, and only part of it was gratitude for the usage of my words. Sat at another cafĂ© and wrote a poem at lunch, and then joined the crew for more lunch (which for me was water) Stomach has been upset, and when I finally ate a meal tonight, I ended up throwing it up behind a beautiful church down by the water. This adds Budapest to the long list of Cities I Have Barfed In. Vienna may be the only one not on that list.

Two kids from who knows where ask me direction on the street. I say “I’m American, but I’ll help you if I can.” They are SO foreign they don’t even know I’m not speaking Hungarian. The male finally gets out that he wants to see the Danube. We’re standing on the side of a hill, and I want to say, “Down, sweetheart, you always go down to see the water.” Instead, I just point. When I pass they are looking at the Danube.

Feeling one thousand times better tonight than I did last night. The Lord waited for me to go to sleep, when I couldn’t fight him, and smoothed the creases from my forehead.

I have been all this day, happy. And sweaty. And so tired one foot would not go in front of the other. But, happy. Voices in the street. Gibbous moon over the flowing Danube.

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