Sunday, April 6, 2014

April 6, 2014

Eventful Saturday. I rose early, and though it was bitter cold & windy, I was determined to do some gardening. Planted pink dicentra and all the lily bulbs that had been gathering here and there waiting for their time. I hope it was their time. Linda arrived from Atlanta. We visited the old house briefly, and DJ, lunched, and then it was time for the play. Linda said she enjoyed the play and that it didn’t seem overlong. The Saturday audience was wholly attentive, responsive, delightful. The audience should realize that when it does its part, everybody has a better time. I’d never gotten a chance to ask anyone about my performance before. Received no notes after the first few days of rehearsal. The cast doesn’t discuss each other’s performances (this is well) and to corner somebody and demand “how am I doing?” is just too needy. Apparently I’m doing just fine, and people around her were nattering about my acting skills and remembering when they’d seen me on stage in this and that. In lieu of an actual review–ever–this is good enough. Pinot grigio at home, and then a bottomless sleep. Untimely, I dream of having an evil sister. Breakfast and then a drive to seek baby chicks, which we, providentially, did not find. Now it is almost time to return to the theater. I will be elevated this afternoon, knowing I am doing well.

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