Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014

Planted red raspberries.

Planted blue columbines.

Kelley and her mother, walking the dog, took a tour of the house.

Enraged at students who, never having asked a question about the subject matter of the course, ask meticulous questions about the exam. Thinking of putting it on my syllabus: “if you’re not interested in the course material, you’re not interested in the exam.”

“What should we expect on the exam?”

“Same as every time before.”



“Short answers?”






“Maps aren’t fair.”

“Why aren’t they fair?”


“Because you actually have to know something, right?”


“Something particular which can’t be bullshitted. Right?”

“Some of us think that rote memorization isn’t education.”

“What’s the difference between rote memorization and remembering? Education IS remembering. By my lights, I haven’t asked you to memorize a single thing, ever.”


Public education makes very clear that education is knowing what’s on the test. There are fewer of me; therefore I must be vehement in making clear that is not it at all.

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