Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11, 2014

After class I drove to Jesse Israel’s and bought a golden laburnum, planted it in my yard, and am happy. One discovers it is a giant pea.

Planted yellow and snow white iris. All for those hours was well.

Dead mouse on the kitchen floor this morning, with a surprising amount of blood under his snout. He was warm and pliable, so the drama had happened not long before. It’s hard to imagine why a mouse would enter a space with no food and two cats. Didn’t know whom to praise, though I suspect Maud is the mouser.

My turn to save the first act last night. Tanner goes into auto pilot and doesn’t even notice when he veers away.  You keep circling back until he recognizes a cue. J and L in the audience. Also Charlie F-M on a busman's holiday.

I stagger thinking of the day ahead.

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