Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014

Twittery birdy morning. Put Man and Superman to sleep yesterday afternoon with no regrets on my part. The last performance was underwhelming, full of fluffs and flubs. I could hardly move for exhaustion at the end of it. It does make me anxious for another acting project. I still have it. It’s still easy. Hazel and John Robinson were in the audience, looking incredibly old, but also, as they have always been, handsome. They must have been quite the pair. I’m hearing Hazel’s laugh now.

Palm Sunday, never my favorite, saw me giving forth St. Matthew’s Passion three times, beginning at 7:45. I know it now to the depth of my soul. I wanted a palm for my garden, but I’m not sure, in my haste, I came away with one.

Catch up time for all the things I set aside.

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