Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 5, 2014

Lively performance last night, buoyed by the liveliest crowd we’ve had yet. An entire row may have been filled, but with theater people, such as Trinity S, and that makes the difference. One loud woman cried “Bravo” or “Brava” implacably as each man or woman took a bow. I wanted to suggest “Bravi!” Our review in the C-T was by a man who had not seen the whole show (he was there, but it is long and he is old) but who had diligently researched details of Shaw’s life online. Asheville actually demands no better, so–

Great dark bird flying outside my tiny attic window, circling to stay in the span of the window. Dark and rain-squally, I think, which may compromise my plans for planting.

Woke in a bad mood without knowing exactly why. The last dream was of my beautiful spring-green sports car being in a fender-bender, and my having to hire a kind of wreck-narrative performer to sing the story to my insurance company. I hired Trinity. She had to wear a costume the same color as the car.

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