Friday, June 8, 2012

June 7, 2012

Vinho verde on a sunny afternoon.

The prickly pears are in bloom for the first time. So is the pickerel weed in the water garden. For the sake of the prickly pears I launched an attack on the thickets of the front terrace, ripping away about 100 tangling pounds of vines to give them more light and less competition. A few more days like that might clear the terrace, but I have been going carefully, because I know the mockingbirds’ nest was somewhere in that thicket. The mockingbirds didn’t seem to be particularly agitated, so maybe all their babies are fledged and flown.  Blue flash of the bluebirds in the corner of my eye. Electric blue-green of the dragonflies.

Revising Night Sleep.

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