Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 23, 2012

Complex and extended dreams before waking. I was in prison, though the prison was like a big summer camp, all outdoors and crammed with sports and activities. David Mycoff was a fellow prisoner–he was probably brought to mind because the last time I was onstage at Montford, he was Faustus and I was Mephistofeles– and the prime punishment seemed to be receiving a kind of magazine in which your crime was printed up like a flashy ad. As the dream ended, I was looking through all the dryers in the camp for laundry I had dried and lost track of. It was my release day, and the other prisoners couldn’t believe I was delaying my release to find a load of laundry.

Good day painting. Instead of auditioning for Richard II, came home from the studio and baked zucchini pies. Same recipe as pumpkin, only with zucchini. The odd green aspect will be covered with Cool Whip.

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