Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 29, 2012

Assembled the book In the Temple of the White from an evening of reading and revising. There are times when every poem I’ve written seems a masterpiece. There are times, like last night, when few of them seem to have gotten any near to what I meant. Those are the times to assemble a book.

Evening. The cats coped with the three digit temperatures by not moving more than ten feet throughout the day. I went to the gym and saw to a million errands, including getting my will witnessed, signed, notarized. Bought a fire safe. Bought a case of the most exquisite and complicated Spanish white. Saw stocks sky-rocket, and bought twenty thousand $ worth of new equities. Rejoiced anew in the constitutionality of Obama-care. I thought I had done some writing, but I guess that was in my head, ready to be committed to paper this evening. Trained a fan directly on my face above the keyboard.

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