Friday, April 26, 2024

Indescribable Moon


April 24, 2024

GMC meeting here last night. We needed another song that expressed adversity, and I remarked that just about any Gospel song does that, and there was no such thing on our program. 

“We already have a Gospel number,” says B


“Pilgrim’s Chorus.”

“That’s not Gospel. That’s Wagner opera.”

“Well, it mentions God.” 

I gave up. Whatever else, the group’s apparent hatred of religion, or Christianity anyway, pretty much limits music selection to mediocrity.

Began planting the new garden. Got two climbing roses for the fence and a tangerine bush rose not for the fence. Planted sweetpea and lupine that I’d already got. The big garden mystery remains the couple dozen tulip bulbs I planted, not one of which came up. Except that the bulbs were defective I have no explanation. Forgot where I got them, so I can’t even complain. I was right that the big machine scrape didn’t get the roots, so I’ll have to dig each time before I plant. At least it made them accessible. Alexa promised rain, but there was no rain, so I spent an hour hauling cans of water to the new roses. 

Indescribable beauty of the moon last night.

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