Saturday, April 13, 2024

 April 13, 2024

A MX reporter sent me questions about the upcoming play, asking particularly about “the foraging of families.” Reporter from the Asheville Watchdog asked to excerpt my recent screed about the turmoil at UNCA.  Feel like a public person again.

Attacked the honeysuckle tangle between the fence and the street, making heroic progress, but also deciding that some heroics are unnecessary and it’s time to call in the professionals. Found in the same place one of my barrier poles broken (by a car, I assume) and a quite large dead animal, a raccoon, I suppose, though its stage of decomposition and my reluctance to poke around makes identification uncertain. One certainty is enormous curved, snow white canines. Maybe a dog. Because I’m going to call the yard men, today’s labor seems wasted, though it was good exercise and I retain the benefit of that. 

Fatboi and I gave each other heart attacks when I went out on the back porch and there he was. 

S says Washington Place is on the schedule next year at HART. So it was said for this year. I decline to celebrate just yet. 

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