Saturday, April 20, 2024



April 19, 2024

Slow rain, the shrieking of a woodpecker through the upstairs window. Music from my college production of Marat/Sade has been going through my head since waking. 

Yesterday I sat by the river and finished the first act of my new play. Restored the raised bed out back and planted golden zinnias. All this before noon. Two landscape companies came to prepare a bid on my work beyond the fence. Very different affects from each group. Unless there’s a huge price difference, I’m going to take the first. The second guy (huge man, my hand disappeared in his) identified poison ivy when in fact it was Virginia creeper. Somewhere down the line, those things count. 

Official notice: 

Cork Arts Theatre Thu, Apr 18, 5:29 PM (15 hours ago)

Hi David,

I’m delighted to let you know that your play, ‘Alfie and Greta’, has been selected by one of our directors for production in May. If all goes to plan, it will be performed with 9 other short plays from Tuesday 28th May to Saturday 1st June at the Cork Arts Theatre. The director has begun the casting process and rehearsals will commence shortly. I’ll be in touch again over the coming weeks to keep you up to date on progress. It may be a bit far to travel but, if you do make it over, we would be delighted to see you there and would like to offer you complimentary tickets.Congratulations on being selected. It’s a wonderful achievement to make it through to the final 10 plays from a total of 318 plays submitted from around the globe.

Talk again soon, James Horgan, Event Co-ordinator, Cork Arts Theatre

Morningstar reports that my investments profit 13% above the market. Good enough. Greed is not among my vices. Wish I could get rid of envy and wrath. 

Rehearsal last night far less infuriating than usual. . . fun, actually. Only one– me– can reach the bass notes on “Blessing,” so I blast away from the depths. 

Had a lesson in docenting for the Cathedral. 

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