Sunday, January 21, 2024

La Follia


January 21, 2024

Afflicted with a stiff back for the last week. The first couple of hours of the day, until I limbered up, were problematic. Bathroom duties had to be timed to take advantage of increasing mobility. I lay in bed this morning and realized that I was tensing my back muscles, not intentionally, maybe, but surely. I relaxed– forcing relaxation, if one can be said to do that– one level, then to the next level. I went down three levels of tightness until I felt the warmth of freely circulating blood. Have I been bracing against the cold? Some anxiety to which I am not full conscious? In any case, I have never minded so much afflictions to which I knew the remedy. 

It was 8 degrees at the party last night. It is 8 degrees now, however brilliant the rising sun. Bored with that.

Shocking cold in the attic. 

La Follia surprising me on You Tube. 

Lord, give me what You have made me want

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