Sunday, January 14, 2024

Blue Goose


January 11, 2024

Despite the cold, I went to the river to soak in the amazing light. River as high as it could be without flooding– though I discovered it had flooded under the railroad trestle in RDA. Quantities of mallards took to the air, and I saw with the Canadas a blue goose, which I’m not sure I ever saw in the wild before. 

Discovered the GALA selections are “Alleluia” (Thompson) [which we’ve attempted several times and messed up each time], Wagner’s Pilgrim’s Chorus, the tired “Over the Rainbow” we’ve been doing for four years. Nothing new. Not a shiver of imagination. We will not be laughed out of the hall, but we will make no impression. Oh well. One is committed. 

Found my new prayer, from Anselm of Canterbury: Lord, give me what You have made me want. 

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