Sunday, January 7, 2024


January 7, 2024

Left to my own devices, I wandered down to the hotel bar and met three jolly companions. Andrew was middle-aged and serious and kind and ended up paying everybody’s tab. Tom was blond and young and rambunctious and warrior-resembling, and the local bail bondsman. He told an anecdote about the county prison which I didn’t understand. He is currently remaking his double-wide to make it liveable. He in the middle, young and quite beautiful, wouldn’t tell his real name, but kept calling the bartended “Dad.” Drink had limited their communication skills, but they were happy and friendly and ready to embrace the entire world. Yes, loud too, but it was an almost empty bar. Their mirth gave me mine in full measure, and I left the bar blessing them and the accident that had sent me down at the right time. Gorgeous sunrise, then a pretty much uneventful (if tedious) return. The hotel bill, after various taxes and fees, was half again what I expected. 

C read the manuscript of RF, liked it, and of course recognized all the Akron names and places. 

Home now, facing the melancholy task of taking down the Christmas decorations.

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