Sunday, January 21, 2024



January 18, 2024

Hearing S do Compline. 

Another storm approaches. 

GMC rehearsal fun, if rather sad musically. We’re doing that hideous commissioned piece for GALA. No point even in mentioning it, as it’s as inevitable as rocks rolling down hill. 

Came across a video concerning a woman in Sarasota who found a racoon in a dumpster, and instead of helping it out, she set fire to the dumpster and incinerated it. Then she put the video up on social media. The horror of this deed has not left me. Perhaps in the light of Gaza and Kyiv it cannot be mentioned. Nevertheless, I mention it. The mind that would do such a thing is the same mind that poisons rivers and bombs cities.  There are no small cruelties. 

Lord, give me what You have made me want

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