Thursday, January 18, 2024



January 17, 2024

The study so cold I thought I’d have to give it up today, except for the pool of warmth around the heater, just extensive enough to hit my back as I write. 

My last vestry meeting, ZOOMed, because of the arctic weather nobody wanted to come out in. I’ll give my performance as a vestryman a B-, good in a crisis, good at coming up with ideas, but impatient with the extended process so beloved by Episcopalians, and which their dedication to has made efficacious. My experience as an artist has made me intolerant of less direct ways of achieving a goal– have the vision, fulfil it. I spent much of my time holding my tongue, a courtesy certain others did not afford. But, it made me feel part of the Church as I never have before, responsible, a stake-holder. I hope that feeling doesn’t fade away, though it probably will. 

The mailman destroyed my mailbox trying to cram too large of a package into it. 

Lord, give me what You have made me want

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