Sunday, January 15, 2023


January 12, 2023

I’m usually gone, protecting me against such knowledge, but today is cleaning day, and it’s 10 AM and the cleaning lady, meant to appear at 9:30, has not arrived. What do I want, O Universe? I want once for people who have decided on the time themselves to be on time. Once. Once I do not want to be the one waiting. Once. If you are in a giving vein, allow someone sometime actually to be early. Allow me to walk toward someone who has been waiting for me. Once. How’s that for vulnerable? Now that I’ve expressed it, experience makes me assume it will never happen. 

Many ideas for new stories. I can’t type fast enough.

Loretto at the Trinity in Dublin tells me to bring some of my paintings over the next time I come. I wonder how that will work. I think of renting a place there for a month or so and just painting, but Maud stops me, how little time she has left, how bereft she is with missing me. 

P did come by and purchase At the End of the Great Meadow. I wrote the wrong date on the back of the panel. Oh well. P was full of gossip from UNCA, which I relished more than I thought I would. She was gone fo twenty years and is already far more engaged than I ever was.  

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