September 14, 2022
The furnace company sent their man to inspect my furnace. It was fine, as it ought to be, having been installed in March. D is a giant and bashed his head on my lintels more than once, when in fact a small tragedy of my house is that it was built for people bigger than I, and I can’t reach many of the top shelves. He plans to get out of the furnace business and get into “digital marketing,” but admitted he needed to do so in a particular way, as his impatience with authority could sabotage him if he goes the regular route.
Coffee with K at Summit, wherein we discussed art & theater & the personalities therein related. I will be speaking at a showing of Frankenstein at a local arts cinema, which was a hundred yards from where we sat without my knowing it. I am wondrous ignorant of most of what goes on in my own town.
Boring Symphony Chorus rehearsal. I must have thought it was better than spending Tuesday nights in front of the TV, and I still do.
Major weeding and vine-pulling, after which I was pathologically exhausted. I wasn’t sure I could make it up the little hill from the pond. Maud came in where I lay on my bed and hollered at me until I went to our place on the sofa and cuddled her as we do when watching TV. It’s the most amazing thing. She has a yell for an empty bowl and a yell for “come cuddle NOW” and another for just– I don’t know– making sure I remember her. We lay there for a couple of hours while I felt exhausted, coughing this odd and unlike-me kind of cough. Rose to bow out of choir rehearsal to discover that rehearsal had been cancelled because five choristers have tested positive for Covid. I’m wondering if I would be the 6th, if I were to go to get tested. It wold explain the exhaustion and the cough.
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