Friday, September 30, 2022


September 29, 2022

But for a few stabs of activity, slept all day. 

A panicky actor wants to axe a song. Actually, he wanted to recite it. I told him to axe it altogether. 

Wandered around Foundry Road. Met a man unloading lumber. We talked a long time in the coming-from-everywhere-at-once sunlight. 

Tyger Tyger gallery, the work so overpriced you think it must be a joke. Nice lady opening the gallery said she just built herself a studio in her yard. 

Met MT in the Bruegher’s parking lot. She told me of triumphs in Europe and Kansas City, and the 1000 foot studio the city of Zurich gives her for free. She adds “You weren’t always I great fan of my painting,” as though the tales of eminence were all to make up for that. 

Almost unbelievably annoying rehearsal. 

The stillness of our sky makes me think of the hurricane now blasting Florida to pieces. 

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