Friday, September 17, 2021


September 14, 2021

Rough, peculiar night, out of which I rose unexpectedly refreshed. Went to the Y and did an excellent weight set and spent some time on the cross trainer. My energy was not yet spent, so I drove to the Parkway and hiked along the Hard Times. It had to be in the shade, as my skin still erupts at the direct touch of sunlight. My face is peeling; I must look like a leper. Some foot and bicycle traffic on the trail, but enough solitude for real spiritual renewal. I lingered at one beautiful grove and heard the prayer that I had prayed: O beautiful Spirit, let my warfare be at an end. Botanized to my heart’s delight. Wondered what made the woodsy sweet joe-pye sweet, and was the meadow version somehow bitter? Horse balm and leafcup. A hawk crying somewhere in the canopy, maybe Sweetboi’s country cousin. Met two solemn, friendly dogs. 

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