Thursday, September 9, 2021



September 9, 2021

Tropical Depression Mindy brings heavy rain and lightning. Dark skies will be well for a while, as in the last two days my sunburn stopped just short of needing medical attention. 

Rain stopped as I was abroad in the town. Luckily I had my old yellow raincoat, which was hot but protective. 

Seeing that it had a pathetic little library, I left a copy of Necklaces at Planet Follywood. Someone may read it someday, even in a drunken fog.

Startling aggressiveness of grackles–

Passed some barrier of unspecified depression, out again on the other side–

Evening now: regular panoply upon the sand. Parents are never more sweetly attentive than when they bring their young to the shore, lovers seldom more demonstrative, with the sea and the sky as their witnesses.. 

“Sex-bugs” are everywhere, fragile little puffs connected at the base of the thorax, apparently copulating constantly, inseparably.

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