September 28, 2021
Serious weeding today in the cool & perfect light, mostly woodbine and poke. Pulled out the largest lady’s thumb I’ve ever seen. I thought it was a whole stand, but it was one plant trying to gobble up the garden. It felt good to be gardening again. Weeding is potentially a kind of meditation.
Napping, I had WDAV playing, and at one point I woke hearing piano music. I said to myself, “That can’t be one player. It must be something for two pianos.” Then the announcer said it was a Mozart concerto for two pianos. Slept again and woke amid the most intricate and lavish music, which my subconscious mind read as a kind of architecture, thick and strong and glorious. Fully awake, I realized it was dances from Der Rosenkavalier.
Made chili.
Every few hours I go into the guest room and cuddle with Maud for a while. She’s either ill or going through one of her phases. She eats and visits the litterbox and rumbles like an engine when I embrace her, so she can’t be too sick. Maud’s frantic horror of leaving her own house renders the decision to go to the Vet dire. I have my own horror of it. Except for neutering, we’ve never visited the Vet where it turned out to be casual, but always the beginning of an ordeal of pain, disruption, futile treatment, and the deaths that leave me howling with my face to the wall.