Friday, October 9, 2020


October 9, 2020

A moved into my office today. There’s plenty of room to share. This is one of those occasions when you feel the Lord weaving unsuspected threads together, not for your sake, but for the sake of someone else, and it is well. But, it saves me money, and who knows how it will turn out? Maybe it is for me after all. The Great Tapestry. 

Ordered barbecue sauce online, and it arrived smashed to pieces. Hesitated to put it in the trash because a bear may find it and hurt himself on the broken glass. Smiled reviewing all this, me like a papa baby-proofing a hostile environment for my 250 pound baby.  

Last thing before sleep last night I took the Lord to task over Gluck’s Nobel Prize. Not that I think I’d ever come within a million miles of it, but the fact that I wouldn’t needs, between the Power of Night and myself, to be discussed. I am like the man who builds a castle, dark, stately, towering, full of intricate rooms, and reads in the morning paper that the kid who spray painted the lower walls has won a prize. Often–usually– I can say “it is well.” Last night I couldn’t. I turned away from Him in contempt. I hope He felt it.  

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