Monday, October 19, 2020


October 19, 2020

Unquiet night. Reminded of the choice I make between taking iron for my anemia and suffering the intestinal disruption caused by taking the iron. 

I have a good feeling about The One with the Beautiful Necklaces, that it may be the one to catch on and turn attention toward me. I want to say, “even though it is not characteristic of me at all,” but how do I know? Maybe it is exactly characteristic of me, and everyone will know it before I. 

Student coming at noon to sit at the picnic table and discuss Stoppard. 

Yesterday another big gardening day, finishing everything that I had planned before the snow flies, though other projects formed in my head as I worked. 

Finalist for the G. S. Sharat Chandra Prize for Short Fiction from the U of Missouri, Kansas City. 

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