Monday, October 5, 2020


October 4, 2020

Amazingly vivid erotic dream. I moved to Warsaw to complete some project, and that man in the next apartment was a boxer. We’d say hi at first, and then have a beer together in the evening. He explained in broken English (better than my dream Polish) that his trainer was anxious for him to stay home at night during training, and not put himself in danger at the bars, so would I be willing to have sex with him? I said yes (he was blond, compact, very muscular, beautiful in a way I somehow attach to Eastern Europeans). This worked out well for both of us, and soon his trainer came to thank me for keeping his boy off the street. We all got along, so it became a three-way. The trainer looked a little like a vampire, but that was OK.  Even in the dream I wondered if I were dreaming or writing a short story.

Finishing off a patch of garden, I looked down, and the ground heaved as if some big animal were under it, pushing out, changing its mind, subsiding. Decided not to probe.

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